60-meter band

The 60 meter band or 5 MHz band is a relatively new ( 2002 ) amateur radio allocation and originally only available in a few countries, including the United States, United Kingdom, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Ireland and Iceland. However, in the last few years more countries' telecommunications administrations, together with their government and military users, have permitted Amateur Radio operation in the 5 MHz area on a short or longer term basis on either discrete channels or a frequency band allocation. Where two-way communication is authorized on 60m, it has generally been within the frequency range 5250 – 5450 kHz, but the whole of this range is not necessarily available and allocations vary significantly from country-to-country.

In most ( but not all ) countries, the allocation is channelized at present. Voice operation is generally in upper sideband (USB) mode to facilitate inter-communication with other, non-amateur, band users if necessary. In the United States it is mandatory. Where channelization is used, the USB 'dial' frequency is normally 1.5 kHz below the quoted channel frequency ( e.g. 5403.5 kHz is the USB 'dial' frequency for the channel 5405 kHz )

Amateur equipment made in Japan and surrounding countries often did not support this allocation, since it is not currently available in those countries. However it is usually possible to modify commercial amateur equipment to work correctly on these frequencies within the terms of the individual's licensing conditions.[1] More recently, commercial amateur radio equipment manufactured in Asia destined for the North American market has begun to include provision for 60m/5 MHz operation.


Propagation characteristics

Lying approximately halfway between 80m ( 3.5 ) and 40m ( 7 MHz ), the 60 meter ( 5 MHz ) band forms a communication bridge when propagation effects make use of 80 or 40m impossible for local-to-medium distance communications – often needed in emergency communication scenarios where there is no existing normal communications infrastructure or it is devastated. Less affected by D-Layer absorption than 80m, the 60 meter ( 5 MHz ) band is an ideal candidate for NVIS – Near Vertical Incidence Skywave, the most commonly used technique capable of providing seamless local-to-medium distance HF communications. Online Ionograms produced by a local ionosonde are useful for determining band state and the Critical Frequency (foF2) information needed for a reliable NVIS radio link.

Propagation beacons

A number of radio propagation beacons are active on 5 MHz, some of which produce a sequence of varying power levels.[2] A lot of these transmit 24/7, but some personal beacons are activated as required.

In the United Kingdom currently three beacons transmit sequentially on the hour and each subsequent 15 minutes using CW. The 5290 kHz channel is utilized for the UK's beacon project. Call signs are, in transmission order - GB3RAL ( IO91in ) + 0 minutes, GB3WES ( IO84qn ) + 1 minute and GB3ORK ( IO89ja ) + 2 minutes from approximately southern, central and northern locations in the UK. Further details of the British beacon network can be found on the RSGB 5 MHz page.[1]. In addition, individual WSPR beacon experiments using powers as low as 1 watt in the UK have led to reception reports from the USA and Middle East. Further research is likely in this area during the present sunspot cycle.

On the 5290 kHz channel (5289.5 kHz / USB) is the Danish personal beacon OV1BCN ( JO55si ), operated by OZ1FJB, particularly for NVIS observations. From Spring 2011 in operation h24 and is sequenced to transmit 2 minutes after the UK beacons, (hr+ 04/19/34/49 min.), transmitting a USB-announcement, followed by CW + MT63 identifications.

Czech beacon OK1IF ( JO40hg ) uses the 5260 kHz channel at 5258.6, although the current operational status of the beacon is unclear as it is not a dedicated beacon, but an experimental activity of the licensee, Milan, OK1IF and operates on a random basis. Because the Czech regulator announced that the current experiment was to conclude at the end of 2011 (see later), it would therefore appear that this beacon would cease to operate at that time, until further notice ( Info: Petr, OK1RP )

The German Amateur Radio Club ( DARC ) operates a propagation information beacon, call sign DRA5 ( JO44vq ), on 5195 kHz, which transmits in CW (Morse code) plus various digital modulation systems. It is co-sited with the DK0WCY 30 and 80m beacons. Owing to considerations of rising costs, the operational schedule of DRA5/DK0WCY is in process of re-assessment and in consequence it may be found that the beacon is not operational for the full 24 hrs., as was previously the case. ( Source: Beacon keeper DK4VW e-mail )

The Radio Amateur Association of Greece ( RAAG ) has set up a beacon on 5398.5 kHz under the Society's club callsign, SZ1SV ( KM17ux ). It transmits in carrier, CW and PSK31 formats in graded power levels between 3 and 30 Watts on a timed basis at 00, 15, 30 and 45 minutes past the hour. Time of operation is mostly between 1900 - 0600 UTC, however It may be off for some days due to other HF activities at the test site, or, of course, when the station is engaged in a 5 MHz contact with other stations outside of Greece. Further details are available from the RAAG website.

A Luxembourg beacon LX0HF had been established on 5205.25 kHz, under the aegis of the committee of the Luxembourg national amateur radio society - Réseau Luxembourgeois des Amateurs d'Ondes Courtes ( RL ). It is understood that the contact for the beacon is Philippe LX2A/LX7I. However, several reports indicate that it has not been heard for some time.

In addition to amateur radio beacons in the 5 MHz sector, some other non-amateur stations are used informally as propagation indicators. These include:

United Kingdom

This 5 MHz frequency segment is in what is known as the '60 metre band' and is the subject of active research due to its propagation properties. In the UK, this research is colloquially known as the 'Five Megs Experiment' and commenced in August 2002. Access to the frequencies designated in the UK is via a 'Notice of Variation' ( NoV ) to a 'Full' Amateur Radio License issued by UK regulator Ofcom. There are a few additional restrictions ( e.g. mobile or maritime mobile operation is not currently permitted ) and power output is limited to 200 watts PEP. Instructions on amateur radio 60m operations in the UK are provided in the RSGB '5 MHz' web pages[3] and at the Ofcom web site.[4] The seven 3 kHz-wide 'channels' used for 60m in the UK are:

Centre 'Dial' Frequency ( USB )
5260 kHz 5258.5 kHz
5280 kHz 5278.5 kHz
5290 kHz 5288.5 kHz
5368 kHz 5366.5 kHz
5373 kHz 5371.5 kHz
5400 kHz 5398.5 kHz
5405 kHz 5403.5 kHz

The Summits on the Air ( SOTA ) program uses 5 MHz for a number of activations, with considerable activity from some operators.[5]

As well as Voice and CW, the band in the UK is also used for Digital Communications in modes such as PSK31, Olivia, MFSK, MT63, SSTV and Hellschreiber - success being shown with most modes, despite the problems that can result from ionospheric distortion, particularly to the phase of the signal.

In the UK, 5 MHz is also used for the weekly RSGB ( Radio Society of Great Britain ) GB2RS news bulletin broadcast. The transmission takes place on 5403.5 kHz USB at 1230 hrs local time on Sundays. The results show that 5 MHz provides a reliable vehicle for a national news broadcast. After the news a net is carried out with signal reports in SINPO ( Strength, Interference, Noise, Propagation & Overall ) code exchanged. This data and that from other 5 MHz contacts is fed into the 5 MHz coordinator for analysis, preferably using the UK 5 MHz Logging program, written by Alan, G0TLK.[6][7]

This band is unique in the United Kingdom insofar as UK 5 MHz NoV holders may also communicate under controlled operating conditions on the seven channels with stations of UK Military Cadet Youth Organizations. Some of these station operators may be using military transceivers with 1 kHz step size synthesizers [e.g. certain versions of the Clansman PRC320 series] and thus will not be able to net accurately with amateur transmissions using USB. Amateur stations will need to employ their RIT to receive their transmissions – the amateur station will still need to remain within the 3 kHz channel. ( Source: RSGB 5 MHz Operating Procedure )

Originally, two-letter identifiers for each UK channel were used, as it was believed the Cadet stations were not permitted to mention frequencies over the air, however this has proved not to be the case and so they are no longer required on air. ( Source: RSGB 5 MHz Experiment FAQs - http://www.rsgb.org/spectrumforum/hf/faq.php#q5 )

The HF Team of RAYNET ( Radio Amateurs' Emergency Network - the UK's Amateur Radio Emergency Communications body ) includes 5 MHz in its regular series of HF Nets ( See RAYNET Link below )

The 5 MHz band has proved to support reliable intra-UK communication using low power and NVIS ( Near Vertical Incidence Skywave ) antennas under daylight conditions,[8] but can be greatly affected by solar disturbances. The unique, channelized nature of the band, together with relatively light levels of activity and interference experienced, no doubt enhance this aspect.

United States

The 60 meter band became available to US radio amateurs in 2003.[9] Only USB communications are authorized. The five 'channels' used for 60m in the USA are:

Center 'Dial' Frequency ( USB ) 'Unofficial' Channel Designation
5332.0 kHz 5330.5 kHz Channel 1
5348.0 kHz 5346.5 kHz Channel 2
5368.0 kHz 5366.5 kHz - Existing Channel 3 ( Existing )
5358.5 kHz 5357.0 kHz - Replacement Channel 3 ( Replacement )
5373.0 kHz 5371.5 kHz Channel 4
5405.0 kHz 5403.5 kHz Channel 5
60 m 5330 - 5406
 United States 5330.5 5346.5 5357.0 (New) 5366.5 (Exist) 5371.5 5403.5
General, Advanced, Extra
Note: US licensees operating 60m should use emissions of upper sideband voice, suppressed carrier, 2.8 kHz bandwidth ( 2K80J3E ), on the dial frequencies indicated on this chart

Instructions on amateur radio operations on 60m in the USA are provided in the "60M - Frequently Asked Questions" document,[10] prepared by the ARRL.

In mid-November 2011, following earlier proposals by the ARRL, the Federal Communications Commission ( FCC ) published a 'Report & Order' detailing several changes in US 60 meter amateur radio operations. These include:

See : http://www.fcc.gov/document/amateur-radio-service-5-mhz. NOTE - These changes will only come into effect 30 days after their publication in the US Government Federal Register.

Other countries

Global communication is possible during grey line and night time ionospheric conditions with reports of 70 plus countries having been worked from the UK alone.

In all, radio amateurs from approximately 90 countries have been active on 5 MHz at one time or another since the availability of the band to amateur radio.

Radio amateurs from many countries that do not have transmit access to 60m monitor the band and post their reports of stations heard on http://www.dxwatch.com/dxsd1/dxsd1.php?f=5 and several similar sites.

Bahraini General Class licensees ( all 'A9' prefixed stations ) are authorized to use two specific 3.0 kHz channel assignments with center frequencies 5373 kHz and 5405 kHz. The corresponding Upper Side Band (USB) 'dial' frequencies are 5371.5 kHz and 5403.5 kHz. These frequencies are assigned to the amateur service on a secondary non interference basis for propagation experiments. Such stations shall not cause harmful interference to stations of other administrations operating in accordance with the ITU Radio Regulations. The maximum mean power of any amateur station shall not exceed 27 dBW (500 Watts). ( Source: A92IO EI3IO ] June 2011 and Bahrain Amateur License Schedule ).

The Cayman Islands 60m authorizations became effective on March 29, 2010 and in common with other amateur licensing aspects on the Islands, follow the US 5 MHz allocation and conditions ( Source: ZF1EJ )

In the Czech Republic, reporting on the 5 MHz special license situation there, Petr, OK1RP, says that his current license is valid until the end of 2011. The 60m band in 'OK land' ( Czech Republic ) is limited to: 5258.5 - 5261.5 kHz ( i.e. a 3 kHz wide channel, centered on 5260 kHz ). Maximum Effective Radiated Power ( E.R.P. ) is 100W. The licenses are experimental and are only on a secondary basis with Czech Ministry of Defense permission. Only 2 locations can be used and these must be stated in the license document. Also, according to information from the Czech Telecommunication Institute, the number of the 60m band experimental licenses is limited. At the end of the year, a summary report on the results of the experiments must be sent to the Czech Telecommunication Institute. In late Autumn 2011, the CTU - Czech Telecommunication Institute - announced that the current experiment would conclude at the end of 2011. It is believed unofficially that a replacement frequency may be being sought instead of 5260 kHz and that there may be further news later in 2012 ( source: IARU Reg. I 60m Update [see 'External Links'] and OK1RP E-Mail )

In Finland, Club stations may apply for authorization to operate on seven 5 MHz channels with maximum power of 50 Watts on USB only. The USB dial frequencies for Finland are: 5288.6, 5298.6, 5330.6, 5346.6, 5366.6, 5371.6, 5398.6 kHz. ( Source: See IARU Region 1 60m Update )

The Greek Ministry of Communication has given permission ONLY to the headquarters club ( SZ1SV ) of the Greek national amateur radio society, RAAG, for use of the single channel 5400 kHz ( 3 kHz bandwidth ). Modes permitted are SSB, CW and Digital with a maximum power of 100W PEP. They have established a beacon, SZ1SV, on the frequency 5398.5 kHz utilising CW and PSK31 on a timed basis, structured so that it does not obstruct current activity on this channel. Contacts with SZ1SV can also be set up by arrangement Further details are available from the RAAG website. ( Source: SV1IW, SV1JG, RAAG, W8GEX - 60m Information Website )

The Greenland Telecommunications Authority permitted operation on seven 5 MHz channels. These are the same as the UK channels. SSB, CW and digital modes are allowed ( Source: OX3XR )

In Portugal, the telecommunications regulator, ANACOM, together with the military of that country, permits 5 MHz operation on a secondary, non-interference basis on three channels 5288.5, 5371.5 and 5403.5 kHz, using CW and SSB for Propagation and Emergency Communication coverage tests. The frequency 5288.5 kHz was added in June 2011 at the same time as the special permit duration was extended to one year. Application is by individual request to ANACOM. Further news, logs and official reports of previous operational periods can be viewed on the '5 MHz - Cinco Megahertz' pages of REP, the Portuguese National Amateur Radio Society's website - http://www.rep.pt/ ( Source: CT1EEB, IARU Region 1 Website http://www.iaru-r1.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=784:60m-allocation-in-portugal&catid=53:spectrum )

Republic of Ireland stations received permission to operate experimentally on the band in 2008, the first license being issued on October 17. ( source: IRTS News ) 3 kHz Center frequencies 5280, 5400 and 5405 kHz. Listen only is permitted on 5290 ( for UK beacons ). Communications with non-Amateur stations ( i.e. UK cadets ) is not permitted. ( Application form: http://www.comreg.ie/publications/radio_experimenter_licence__additional_authorisation_powers_or_frequencies.583.103148.p.html )

Amateurs in St. Lucia also received permission to operate on 5 MHz on a Secondary basis. The channels allocated are the same as those used by the USA, with 50W Max. ERP, SSB only. ( source: St. Lucia National Telecommunications Regulatory Commission, 'Technical Standards for Amateur Radio Service' document )

Countries with band allocations

In Bangladesh from 2005, the band 5250 – 5310 kHz was allocated nationally to the amateur service on a secondary basis for propagation experiments. Stations of the amateur service in Bangladesh shall not cause harmful interference to any station operating in accordance with the ITU Radio Regulations, which in this case will be of a governmental or commercial nature. All modes are permitted ( source: Bangladesh Telecomms Administration NFAP )

In July 2010, Croatian Amateurs were given special license access to 5 MHz on an individual, experimental basis. It permits operation from 5260 – 5410 kHz on all modes. Licences are valid for 1 year. ( Source:- 9A5K, OK1RP, Croatian Post & Electronic Communications Agency http://www.hakom.hr )

Stations in Denmark ( including The Faroe Islands ) used to use channels, but as from 1 Jan 2010 they have been granted the spectrum 5250 – 5450 kHz, with secondary status, 1kW erp, and all-mode. As of 2011, Danish amateur stations of a lower license level are also allowed under this permission but with lower power. Each station has to apply for the special research license for a year at a time. As of February 2011 more than 105 stations have been registered. ( Source: the Danish ITST )

The Grenada communications regulator - the National Telecommunications Regulatory Commission ( NTRC ) permits 60m operation from 5250 – 5450 kHz. Their General licensees are permitted up to 500W p.e.p. and Advanced licensees 1 kW p.e.p. Modes include SSB and CW. ( Source: NTRC )

Icelandic amateur stations were given from December 13, 2010, permission for continued access to 5 MHz and were granted 150 kHz in the 5260 – 5410 kHz band, as a replacement for the eight fixed channels previously permitted. Maximum power allowed on 5 MHz is 100W ( 20 dBW ).

In Norway, initially eight channels in the 60m band were available for Emergency and Emergency Preparedness use. However, on November 6, 2009, the band 5260 – 5410 kHz was opened for general Amateur Radio use. The allocation is secondary and power is limited to 100 watts.[11] The band was one of the HF bands used in June 2011 during a communications emergency https://www.nrrl.no/component/content/article/1-latest-news/258--nrrl-nodsamband-aktivert

In Slovakia, radio amateurs had previously been permitted experimental access to a single channel centred on 5260 kHz. In August 2011, the allocation was expanded to a band from 5258.5 kHz to 5410 kHz for experimental purposes on a non-interference basis by their Telecommunications Regulatory Authority. This is a result of negotiations with the Slovakia Amateur Radio Association and their ARES. Maximum power permitted is 100W ERP. Licenses are valid for 1 year.[12]

Somalia - the Somalian Ministry of Information, Telecommunications & Culture permits non-channelized 5 MHz/60 Meter operation. Upper Sideband [USB] must be used and the allocation is from 5060 – 5450 kHz. All modes are allowed and the maximum power permitted is 3 kW on a non-interference basis.

Trinidad & Tobago has the band 5250 – 5450 kHz allocated on a secondary basis to the Amateur service. Maximum output power is 1.5 kW ( source 9Y4NED )

Occasional permissions

Whilst most of the 60 meter operations listed in this article are either on a permanent secondary or experimental period basis, there are occasions when access is granted either on a one-off very limited time frame or for specific dates and times.

Probably the most well-known of these is 5 MHz operation from Canada authorized by regulator Industry Canada, when the Marconi Radio Club is permitted operation at various specific pre-announced times and frequencies. Those previously used have included 5260, 5269, 5280, 5290, 5319, 5400 and 5405 kHz, CW and SSB Voice, 100W maximum power.

Other authorized 5 MHz operations have been reported such as Ascension Island, Belize, Bulgaria, Colombia, Ghana, Honduras, Kenya, Kiribati, Russia and Turkey ( see HFLink below ). Some Amateur Radio DXpeditions have been permitted access to 5 MHz, although the ARRL ( American Radio Relay League ) has expressed concern that over-emphasis on 'DX' activities could be counter-productive to the eventual obtaining of an ITU Amateur allocation at 5 MHz http://www.arrl.org/arrlletter?issue=2007-04-06

Emergencies only

In certain countries, Amateur access to frequencies in 5 MHz is on an emergency or search & rescue basis only. In addition, Amateur call signs may not always be used, nor Amateur equipment. Currently these countries are :-

Frequency lists


Frequency Country Call Grid-square Notes
5195.0 kHz Germany DRA5 JO44vq Propagation information beacon. CW/PSK31/RTTY. See Beacons Section.
5205.25 kHz Luxembourg LX0HF Status Unknown
n/a Czech Republic OK1IF JO40hg Experimental. Ceased to operate end of 2011 until further notice. See below.
5290.0 kHz Denmark OV1BCN JO55si Personal Beacon, h24 +04/19/34/49 min. USB/CW/MT63 (5289.5 kHz.)
5290.0 kHz United Kingdom GB3RAL IO91in Transmits sequentially on the hour + 0/15/30/45 minutes
5290.0 kHz United Kingdom GB3WES IO84qn Transmits sequentially on the hour + 1/16/31/46 minutes
5290.0 kHz United Kingdom GB3ORK IO89ja Transmits sequentially on the hour + 2/17/32/47 minutes
5398.5 kHz Greece SZ1SV KM17ux Mostly 1900 - 0600 UTC h +00/15/30/45 minutes CW/PSK31

Band allocations

Frequency Band Country Notes
5250 - 5310 kHz Bangladesh Secondary, All Modes, NIB, General
5260 - 5410 kHz Croatia All Modes, Individual Application, Licence valid 1 yr.
5250 - 5450 kHz Denmark (inc. Faroes) Secondary, All Modes, Licence 1yr., 1 kW erp Full / 500W Lower Class
5250 - 5450 kHz Grenada SSB & CW, 1 kW pep Advanced / 500W General Class
5260 - 5410 kHz Iceland 100W
5260 - 5410 kHz Norway Secondary, 100W
5258.5 - 5410 kHz Slovakia 100W erp, Licence valid 1 yr., NIB
5060 - 5450 kHz Somalia All Modes, USB must be used, 3 kW, NIB
5250 - 5450 kHz Trinidad & Tobago Secondary, 1.5 kW

NIB = Non-Interference Basis

Channel allocations

Frequency Country Notes
5102.0 kHz Australia For WICEN emergency use only. Non-Amateur Callsigns & Equipment.
5355.0 kHz Australia For WICEN emergency use only. Non-Amateur Callsigns & Equipment.
5371.5 kHz Bahrain
5403.5 kHz Bahrain
5330.5 kHz Cayman Islands
5346.5 kHz Cayman Islands
5366.5 kHz Cayman Islands
5371.5 kHz Cayman Islands
5403.5 kHz Cayman Islands
n/a Czech Republic Current Phase ended 31st. Dec. 2011. Further discussions expected
5288.6 kHz Finland
5298.6 kHz Finland
5330.6 kHz Finland
5346.6 kHz Finland
5366.6 kHz Finland
5371.6 kHz Finland
5398.6 kHz Finland
5398.5 kHz Greece SZ1SV RAAG HQ Station ONLY. SSB, CW & Digital. Max 100W PEP
5258.5 kHz Greenland
5278.5 kHz Greenland
5288.5 kHz Greenland
5366.5 kHz Greenland
5371.5 kHz Greenland
5398.5 kHz Greenland
5403.5 kHz Greenland
5320.0 kHz New Zealand For emergency use only. Special AREC Callsigns
5395.0 kHz New Zealand For emergency use only. Special AREC Callsigns
5288.5 kHz Portugal
5371.5 kHz Portugal
5403.5 kHz Portugal
5278.5 kHz Republic of Ireland
5288.5 kHz Republic of Ireland Receive Only (for UK Beacons)
5398.5 kHz Republic of Ireland
5403.5 kHz Republic of Ireland
5330.5 kHz St. Lucia
5346.5 kHz St. Lucia
5366.5 kHz St. Lucia
5371.5 kHz St. Lucia
5403.5 kHz St. Lucia
5258.5 kHz United Kingdom
5278.5 kHz United Kingdom
5288.5 kHz United Kingdom
5366.5 kHz United Kingdom
5371.5 kHz United Kingdom
5398.5 kHz United Kingdom
5403.5 kHz United Kingdom
5167.5 kHz United States For emergency, test and training drill use and only available in Alaska.
5330.5 kHz United States
5346.5 kHz United States
5357.0 kHz United States Replacement Channel for 5366.5 kHz from new FCC R & O in 2011
5366.5 kHz United States Existing Channel as originally allocated in 2003
5371.5 kHz United States
5403.5 kHz United States

Notes and references

  1. ^ See http://www.mods.dk/ for modifications to commercial amateur radios to gain access to the 60-meter channels.
  2. ^ Andrew Talbot, G4JNT. "Design and building of the 5 MHz beacons, GB3RAL, GB3WES and GB3ORK" (PDF). http://www.scrbg.org/g4jnt/5MHzBcnsWeb.pdf. Retrieved 2008-02-13. 
  3. ^ "5 MHz". Radio Society of Great Britain. 2005. http://www.rsgb.org/spectrumforum/hf/5mhz.php. Retrieved 2008-01-06. 
  4. ^ "Amateur radio – Operating in the 5 MHz experimental bands from 1 August 2006 until 30 June 2010" (PDF). Ofcom. http://licensing.ofcom.org.uk/binaries/spectrum/amateur-radio/apply-for-a-licence/ofw285.pdf. Retrieved 2007-12-31. 
  5. ^ "SOTA Five MHz info - SOTA 5 MHz guidelines" (PDF). Summits on the Air. http://sota.org.uk/Downloads/5MHz%20SOTA%20guidelines.pdf. Retrieved 2007-12-31. 
  6. ^ Alan Messenger, G0TLK and John Gould, G3WKL (August 2007). "Signal reporting in the UK 5 MHz Experiment". RadCom (Radio Society of Great Britain) 83 (08): 12–14. 
  7. ^ John Gould, G3WKL (January 2008). "5 MHz Experiment update". RadCom (Radio Society of Great Britain) 85 (01): 62–63. 
  8. ^ Hawker, Pat (1999). Technical Topics Scrapbook 1990-1994. Potters bar, UK: Radio Society of Great Britain. pp. 33–34, 64–65. ISBN 1-872309-51-8. 
  9. ^ "New 60-Meter Band to Become Available July 3!". American Radio Relay League. Archived from the original on 2007-10-16. http://web.archive.org/web/20071016112735/http://www.arrl.org/news/stories/2003/06/03/1/. Retrieved 2007-12-31. 
  10. ^ E. Hare; R. Lindquist, J. Hennessee, D. Hassler. "60 Meters - Frequently Asked Questions". American Radio Relay League. http://www.arrl.org/60-meter-faq. Retrieved 2008-01-05. 
  11. ^ "Forskrift om radioamatørlisens (Amateur Radio Regulations) (Norwegian)". Lovdata. http://www.lovdata.no/cgi-wift/wiftldrens?/usr/www/lovdata/ltavd1/filer/sf-20091105-1340.html. Retrieved 2009-11-08. 
  12. ^ "Slovakia gets 150 kHz wide 5 MHz band". Southgate Amateur Radio News. August 19, 2011. http://www.southgatearc.org/news/august2011/slovakia_gets_150khz_wide_5mhz_band.htm. Retrieved August 19, 2011. 
  13. ^ Federal Communications Commission (Nov. 15, 2006). "§ 97.401 Operation during a disaster.". U.S. Government Printing Office. http://ecfr.gpoaccess.gov/cgi/t/text/text-idx?c=ecfr&sid=269ffedd28d49f299a70eb7d0d5b8306&rgn=div8&view=text&node=47: Retrieved January 15, 2011. 

External links